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A snooze alarm clock cannot wake a sleepy person. The bell of the alarm clock hence becomes a hypnotic trigger. Such an ordinary sound is redefined in our drowsy moments, and we are also liberated from the sounds that condition our lives—queue management systems, electric scooters, air raid drills, and public demonstrations. This is a film you can watch with your eyes closed.

Director / LIN Shih Chieh
Writer /
Producer / Fan WU
Copyright ownership / 鏡電視股份有限公司


Through different forms and contexts, sounds in our daily lives can turn into imperatives that make us yield to them involuntarily. Whether or not we consciously receive these vibration frequencies, we have become the objects of these imperatives. Back in 2018, due to an injury that required surgery, I had to visit the neurosurgical department of a hospital regularly. A few months after the surgery, I was recovering well and getting back on track with my life. It’s not until one day, when I heard the same calling system while I was waiting in line in the restaurant, all the memories of the hospital days came back to me. It turned out that the same queue management system was used across Taiwan. For me, the sounds of all queue management systems link to the hospital, and I seemed to have discovered a mysterious clue.

Television show information
LIN Shih Chieh
Fan WU
Royalty / Copyright Trade
Awards and honors
2022 non-syntax Experimental Image Festival
2022 South Taiwan Film Festival
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