Romance Everyday life

Weightless Vol.1-2

Physically and digitally published

MENG Zi-Chun, a single female office worker, thought her life was bland and devoid of meaning—until, in her patriarchal and misogynistic workplace, she finds that life isn't as smooth as she thought. Fed up with being meek and submissive, Zi-Chun begins asserting herself in life. As a window into the plight of women in our modern, fast-paced workplaces, this comic explores what it's like to live in a time when things—and people—are seen as easily expendable. People may become busy and lose their bearings, but they never stop pursuing meaning in their lives.

Author / NIN
Publisher / Dyna Books
Copyright ownership / GAEABOOKS CO., LTD.


MENG Zi-Chun, a single female office worker, thought her life was bland and devoid of meaning—until, in her patriarchal and misogynistic workplace, she finds that life isn't as smooth as she thought. Fed up with being meek and submissive, Zi-Chun begins asserting herself in life. As a window into the plight of women in our modern, fast-paced workplaces, this comic explores what it's like to live in a time when things—and people—are seen as easily expendable. People may become busy and lose their bearings, but they never stop pursuing meaning in their lives.

Comics information
Full page
Romance,Everyday life
Physically and digitally published
Medium length story
No age limit
Li Yu-ning's pen name, NIN, is inspired by part of her Chinese name (凝, Ning), which means "coalesce". NIN channels this concept in her art, as well as in her life, by concentrating on and bringing into focus anything worth cherishing.

NIN has loved to draw and paint ever since she was little, and she was deeply influenced by Japanese manga and anime growing up. After taking art in high school, she went on to earn a degree from the Department of Visual Communication Design at National Taiwan University of the Arts. Driven by an intense desire to tell colorful stories about life, NIN often experiments with fusing together elements of drawing, painting, and graphic design to create illustrations and cartoons that convey fun and quirky perceptions.
Dyna Books
Royalty / Copyright Trade,IP for Cross-media Adaptation
Film,Television series,Animation,Performance art
Additional information

Copyright contact


IPs 62
MyBiz Page member 9

Founded in 2001, Gaea Books is a Taiwanese publisher, and a kingdom of memories and imagination. We devote ourselves to scouting gifted authors in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. In the meantime, we introduce the popular works from Europe, USA, Japan, and South Korea to readers in Taiwan. In 2009, Gaea Books started a new brand, Dyna Books, to publish graphic novels and comics, and to find a different way to tell stories - through visual arts.

Copyright duration / 9999
Copyright contact / Jean Chen
Job title / 企劃
Contact number / 02-2558-5438,38
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