Drama Growth Comedy

Furry Days

Original script

Four graduated veterinarians pursuing a shared dream, together they run an animal hospital that is on the verge of bankruptcy. Four people grow up in every animal rescue crisis. There’s sadness and laughter, an unique moment with animals.

Director /
Writer / Keng-Ming Chang
Producer / Sammi Pan


In the university library in June, gathering a group of graduates, four good friends of the veterinary department, Jianzhi, Tingyu, Aaron, and Da Mao all carefully prepare for the veterinary license exam, A phone call interrupted their studying time, Jianzhi, who always looks after everyone, has disappeared. When the exam result list comes out, Jianzhi is not on the list. The three good friends found Jianzhi in his hometown, realized Jianzhi is motivated to serve as a veterinarian due to the death of his father. The three good friends decide to stay and help Jianzhi to run the hospital together. Janzhi gets the veterinary license a year later. A stumbling journey of being a practicing vet begins. Giving birth, first aid, euthanasia, saving stray animals…their efforts make the Furry Days hospital lighted up again after a long absence. These four veterinarians solve various cases in bickering, laughing, confusion, and disputes. And how can Jianzhi, Tingyu, Aaron, and Da Mao who have their own life problems heal each other and grow up in the process of treatment?

Television series information
30-60 minutes
6-10 episodes
Original script
Keng-Ming Chang
Sammi Pan